Saturday, June 2, 2007

1966 Senior High Week

Dan Clymer leads a meeting. Starting at Center in the plaid, Gary Thornburg, Pat Heston, John Heston, Paula Bush.

1985 Sweetheart Banquet

1985 From slides

These are not in the best shape but may be of interest to the campers of this era. Can you help us ID?

1966 High School Week

Singing Group was probably from a Bible College. That is Bev Wagoner next to last on the right. In the volleyball game, Frank Bush is the player on the left looking to hit the ball.

Glenn Bourne of St. Louis Christian College is the Vespers speaker.

1966? 1969? Pee Wee or First Chance Week

Karen Bush at the ring toss; she was 11 in 1969 so 1966 may be right.

Greg Heavner did both music and recreation this week. Again, marked 1966 but possibly as late as 1969.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

1960 Junior Girls

Is that Jane Whited in 1:4? -- if she is a camper then these Junior Girls weeks were a few years earlier than 1966.
These were also marked 1966 but I think they are a little earlier. They are also marked Junior Girls and if Deb Fritz in row 3 next to one of the Williams twins is a junior it isn't 1966.
I agree with Paula, this is earlier. My best guess would be 1960, my first year at camp because 1) I see no one younger than me in the photos and 2) there are several older that me ie Francis Steele in the top photo.

1966? Maybe slightly later?

These were in an envelop marked 1966. I think they could be 1967 or even 1968. What do you think? In top photo that is Gwen Heavner next to John Beck.
In second photo we have Roger, Bill Barton, John Beck and John Heston in the row of boys drying dishes.

Not sure if this is the same year.

Lots of familiar faces here -- Bruce Nowlin in the back, last visible row. Pat Heston and Roger at end of row near top of page. Bill Barton and John Beck in next row forward, and Gwen Schmidt first girl whose face we can see in front row.