Saturday, September 8, 2007

1968 Weiner Roast

Art Jordan is in the back, left of center, and Steve McFadden just right of center. Kathy Roodhouse is in the center of the fire facing us.
Bob Scott and Raymond Phillips in the back on the left.

Monday, September 3, 2007

1963 Christian Workers Week

1985 Gathering, New Dining Hall

1957 - a little of everything

I think Joe Seggelke is the adult in this photo.
This is Life Recruit Week, 1957. Joe and Maxine Seggelke on the right in the back. Mike Heston is in that back row, too, and Claudia Price is in the striped shirt in the middle of the front row, with Janet Elam to her left.

In the dining room scene you can see Bill Stark and Dick Thayer.

The class is being taught by Ralph Elsworth. Kay Wiseman Dobson is in the photo. Anyone else?

1968 Work and Play

Mike Bush is on the right sitting on the end. Isn't that Rob Fritz two down from him? Steve Roodhouse across from Mike? (I know you can't see much but our families spent a lot of time together and I think that's his head, what little you can see.)