Is that John Kious on the back row, next to the last? Is Linda Nowlin the one on the end, middle row? 1:2 is Doris Williams.
1:3 Jackie Greenlee, 2:3 Robin Rewerts, 3:3 Gail Schnipper, 3:5 (back right) Howard Thomure.
2:5 Joy Whited, 3:3 Margaret Thomure.
Lynn, is that Carol Gurley at 1:4?
HELP! We are having a lot of trouble with these very familiar faces. We don't see a lot of faced we'd expect to see, and I can only grab names for a few of the ones I KNOW we should know.
first picture, middle row on right end, girl with white collar and bow is Mary Motzer
1st picture: 1:1 is an Arnold; 1:3 is a Schmidt
2nd picture: 3:2 is Ralpha Painter
3rd picture: 1:1 Don Tedrick; 1:2 Judy Reed
4th picture: That is not Carol, but she does look similar!
5th picture: group photo of pictures 1-4. I can only i.d. the ones we've already named in pictures 1-4. :)
3rd row after the 3 ladies is Jobeth Boaz(Cowden)then Melinda Bristow (Alton?)
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