Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Bell tower and faculty, early '60's

Here are some early faculty at the bell tower in the '60s -- Bob Kelley, Max Whited, Danny Williams.
An email from Mike Heston has brought an interesting story around this picture....

The picture of Bob Kelly, Max Whited, and Dan Williams (who has on a sleeveless T-shirt) standing in front of the bell tower, has a story behind it. On several occasions when he visited the Arm Prairie Church (“Chickenfoot”), Dolly Black’s home church, Danny had noticed that Dolly’s brother, Denny, was always wearing a sleeveless T-shirt. He was, as some of you know, somewhat of a body-builder. Danny and I decided to buy a week’s supply of these T-shirts and wear them every day of Life Recruit Week that year as a way of infuriating Dolly. As I recall, it worked.

Mike Heston

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