Saturday, March 17, 2007

Jr. Boys Week, 1967

Morning Watch, 1967

Mike Bush standing.

Howard Thomure,1967

Every dean deserves a break.

Bob Scott teaching a class in 1967

Bob Scott followed Charlie Greer at O'Fallon. In the back row you can see Evan Mac Lockwood and Bill Barton. Everyone looks so serious.

1967 water (or watermelon?) fight

Remember to click on the pic for a larger view. At first I thought they were throwing water balloons, but studying the pictures I think they were throwing pieces of watermelon. What do you think?

1967 HS Week

Pat Heston looks on while -- is it Gwen Schmidt? -- expresses her anger in a skit. Howard Thomure, dean, speaks to the group.

2nd Pre-High, 1962

Frank Bush is dean. 3:3 is Fred Wiseman, 3:4 Jay Young, 3:13 Barb Haley, 3:19 Pat Heston, 4:1 June Price Philips, 4:11 Wanda Bowling, 4:12 Janet Elam, 4:15 Stu Couve, 4:16 Art Jordan maybe?, 5:1 Gil Schreiber, 5:2 Dan Bowling, 5:3 Alice Schroeder, 5:5 Wayne Black.

Lois Morse, early 1960s

The nurse is Mary Roodhouse, the Missionary is Lois Morse and the girl is Wanda Bickell (from Edwardsville).

1956 - One of the teams

1:4 Jay Young 1:5 Gary Holzhauer; maybe the blonde girl (3:2) is Karen Morrow. 3:4 Linda Smith.

1954 Group Shot

1:1 Bob Kinney Jr.; 1:2 Doris Corbus; 1:3 Sue Koonce; 1:4 Janet Elam, 1:5 Alice Schroeder. 1:5 Brenda Downen; 1:6 Janey Reed 2:1 Dennis Corley (?); 2:2 Theda Butler; 3:1 Dean Schrumpf, 3:2 Ruth Schrumpf, 3:4 Marlyce Elam, Back row (count is off) From left to right beginning in the middle: Don Ray; Dave Rush; Erroll Grissom; Elmer McKean.We have a discussion on whether or not 1:3 is Sue Koonce -- one reader identified her and another promptly said it wasn't her. Anyone else want to weigh in?

Cliff Butler and 1954 class

Who can identify the campers in this very first year shot? Wilson Wiseman took this picture. Third boy from left is Ronnie Huffman.

1953 Durley Campgrounds

The Durley Camp shot was taken in 1953 by Wilson Wiseman. The preachers are Bob Kinney, Cliff Butler, Dallas Newby, (preaching at Woburn at the time), and Mark Weaver (preacher at Old Ripley). This was the prior campground. Bond started in 1954.

Friday, March 16, 2007

1957 - A Choir Class maybe?

I see Janet Elam Row 2:3 and Mary Kinney behind her in 3:1. Anyone else? Remember to click on the picture for a larger view.

1957 - Swimming at the Vandalia Pool

Pic #1 Claudia Price is in the striped suit. The boy facing the camera is Mike Duft from Greenville. The man in the middle is Charlie Lee from Witt, IL. (You can see him a little better in #3–he is in the shadows in the first one.).In #2 Mary Kinney is on the right. The girl in the middle may be Diana Burris. The one beginning the dive is under discussion and may or may not be Marlyce Elam (see comments). Jack Busby is facing the camera in #3.

Now about Marlyce -- if you anonymous commenters would identify yourselves it is possible that one of you has more credibility than the other -- like Janet as a sister or Kay Wiseman as a cousin? You can identify yourselves and settle this ... if you will.

Kay says she doesn't think it is Marlyce. Frank Bush agrees, saying, "I think she might have been from Pana. Jack Busby preached there for a while. I remember seeing her at the BBall game when Greenville was playing. I cannot remember her name." Tom Ewald weighed in and said it looks more like his wife Janet than her sister. Swimming caps just confuse the issue!

Mike Heston adds, "The pictures of the Vandalia pool (we bussed kids there twice a week before building the lake) has a rather interesting story behind it. I believe it was Fourth Christian in St. Louis that brought several black kids to camp one week. I recall there being some concern about their being allowed to enter the Vandalia pool. Fortunately, there was no problem. I remember the older black guy was named Rufus and the one my age was Leroy (all ages were thrown together in the early days). Leroy and I became good friends and both dedicated our lives to full-time Christian service the week in question. I’ve often wondered what became of Leroy. It will be interesting to see if Frank has any pictures of those guys." Frank is still working through envelop after envelop of negatives, but he does remember that the Vandalia pool was segregated, but since we were a private party they let the camp bring all the campers regardless of race. The Civil Rights Act was still eight years away.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Two women around 1957 or 1958

Time to throw Charlie Greer in the lake. The lone guy in the back is Joe Fehr. The man on the right is Carrol Lanston. He was a missionary to Mexico.

Before the lake was dug...

The lake is man-made and was added in the year between 1957 and the new camp year in 1958. Here is what the valley looked like before the dam was built and the trees removed and the lake dug.

A Bible Drama and Fire from Heaven

In later years the risk of this particular activity drove it off the stage and out in the open. Why does only one kid look worried? (Just left of Elijah.) Remember you can click on the picture for a larger view.

I think Elijah is Elmer McKean. The two girls directly behind him we believe are Alice Schroeder on the right in white and next to her looks like Mary Kinney.

Speaking of the raft...

On the diving tower we have Alice Schroeder, Janet Elam and Norman Ray. This particular raft model was fun, but unfortunately short-lived because of the stability of the raft.

Campfire, Life Recruit Week, 1967

Elwin Buche is speaking at the Campfire. Also in the pic Wilford (Bill)Lowen (Manhattan Christian College) two left of Dan Clymer in the white shirt; Bill Stark and the Rostivitt twins. Behind Dan, Bruce Reeder then going left, Deb Fritz, ?, Lynne Gurley, Kevin Hayhurst. Behind Bruce Greg Heavner and left of him Leroy Thompson. Back row tall woman is Gwen Heavner. Back row, top far right is Lora Connor and then Jane Whited on the end. To left of fire, John Heston and John Beck.

Watching the game, Life Recruit Week, 1960

The intent audience at the ball field. Larry Dickey is in plaid shirt. Is girl with camera Kay Fries? And girl next to her in curlers June Huck? Mike Heston says "The girl with the camera is definitely Kay Fries."

Trio, Life Recruit Week, 1960

Charlotte Schroeder on the left.
Priscilla Haley on the right. Who is in the middle? Last name is Patterson we think, from Ramsey.

It is a strike! 1960 ball game.

That's Tom Ewald behind the catcher's mask.
Recently Frank Bush said, "Through the years I often had thoughts about what I would do with the old camp pictures. No specific plan emerged, so I just kept them around. Who would have imagined how they are now being used? I always felt it would be a shame to lose this "history." Now anyone who wants to have a copy of these pictures, can." Hope you are enjoying the opportunity to see them.

In the “It’s a strike” picture, Tom Ewald is correctly identified as the catcher. I believe the batter is Eddie Hays from Brownstown. He was a member of the Arm Prairie Church—“Chickenfoot.”

Swimming, Life Recruit Week, 1960

Ah, remember swim caps? The girl without a swim cap is Sandy Schrumpf and the boy is John Griffin.

Relay Race, Life Recruit Week 1960

Raft, Life Recruit Week, 1960

There were several versions of the raft, including one with a tower that was too top heavy to work. At the end of the season the raft was pulled into shore to slow the rusting out of the barrels that support it. Tall boy on raft is Heavy McFarland, short boy is Lewie Williams, I think.

Marion Henderson, Luke Perrine 1960

Through the years Bond hosted many outstanding faculty, including many from our Bible Colleges. Marion Henderson was from Lincoln. This is a chapel service at 1960's Life Recruit Week. Perrine is speaking at Vespers.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Morning Watch 1960

Sandi Heston Rinderer said... Boy under tree is Jerry "heavy" McFarland. Three girls under tree: Girl in white blouse may be Donna Tackett; Flowered dress girl is Dolly Black.

1960 High School pics

Being dean was tough on Gil Schreiber.

I'm not sure about Charlie Greer's box hockey technique. Bill Griffin is other box hockey player.

Boys dorm. In boys dorm picture Larry Wisely is shirtless boy in front of mirror, tall guy is Larry Dickey, Fred McKean is the boy in a dark shirt in middle of picture and Joe Feher is behind looking over Fred's right shoulder.

Another memory from everybody's favorite life guard... The scene in the boys dorm: The great big guy is Larry Dickey. Larry was from either Flora or Fairfield, I don’t remember which. He was Bill Stark’s nephew and would often come to camp during the late 1950’s and early 1960’s. Fred McKean is also in that picture.

Larry, Fred, Norman Ray, and I had what was called the “Coke Bottle Quartet”. We would all wear suits. I would open the bottle of coke then hand it to Norman. Norman would hold it up to the light and examine it for color, then for aroma. Norman would then hand it to Larry who would chug it (very, very fast—faster than it could be poured out onto the ground. We timed it. He deployed some sort of sucking method). The finale was that Fred McKean would belch loudly into a microphone. It was, as I recall, a very popular performance.

Margaret Couvey (married Jack Ross).

Russell Ross fishing on the new lake.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Girls Dorm

To follow from the last post, does anyone have an interesting tale to tell regarding dorm life? It would be great for the rest of us to hear from you.
Friends? Critters? Beds? Gum? Facilities? Anything else?