Saturday, March 10, 2007

Old Dorm, New Dorm !

Many who have been to this site left Bond before the physical improvements started in 1984 with the Dining Hall. Therefore the women among us grew up in what is now referred to as the “old girls dorm”. Pictures of the new facilities will be coming in late spring however I thought you might like a quick glimpse into the “new girls dorm” Gone are the wooden shutters, bare bulbed light fixtures and cracked concrete floors, group showers and banging plywood doors in the restrooms!
(Gwen Heavner is the tall girl in the hat, and according to Gwen that is Ralpha Painter on the left in the glasses.)
Lynne Gurley Meding said...
And next to Gwen is Debbie. I can't remember her last name, yet. She had red hair!

This photo is a shot of half of a 4 bed area … top and bottom bunk, crank windows with screens at the end of each bunk is an area to stow your gear… a top shelf, rod for hanging clothes and a lower shelf to help keep things off the floor.There are 4 wings to the new dorm each with 4 -4 bed areas. (total of 64 built in beds) The 16 girls and faculty in each wing share 2 showers, 2 toilets and 4 sinks. In addition there are at least 4 2 plug outlets in each wing. The girls say that is still not enough outlets!If needed old beds can be brought in to the center room and used as an overflow area for the more crowded weeks.
( This photo is Libbi Monroe {daughter of Deb Fritz Monroe} and
her friend Lauren )

The old dorm is still standing and used as a storage area for old equipment etc. If you dare to venture in, many of our names and wads of gum are still visible!

More on camp upgrades to come!
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Friday, March 9, 2007

1966 Christian Workers Week with signatures

Here is a rare find from our search through the Bond historical files -- a photo with the signatures (even my baby brother's printed name) of the people in to the photo in their own handwriting.

Junior Girls, 1961

Deb Fritz on the far left front row of the seated group. Marilyn Carter standing on a bench on the left in the other photo. Others?

Photographs: 1961 and the Rope Swing

The Story of the Rope Swing

by Frank Bush

In the early years of Bond Camp, those of us who help leadership positions, were constantly trying to find new ways to make camp more attractive. Most of what we dealt with would come under the heading of spiritual and social activities. But, some was also under the heading of “fun.”

Most of us have had some experiences with “swings.” I remember a rope swing at a swimming hole when I was a kid. They are still popular as many episodes on American’s Funniest Videos will attest. They are not only fun, they are also dangerous.

We put in the rope swing you see in these pictures during the 1961 camp season. Since we had no trees close by, we dreamed up a way to support a rope by putting in two telephone poles with a connecting bar at the top. We built a platform high enough that when we hit the low point of the swing, we would miss the water.

It was fun . . . I can say that with certainty because I was one of the first ones to swing off the platform. The danger comes in when you realize that the centrifugal force of the swing make you heavier. I figured it was about 1 ½ G’s. So, if I weighed 150 lbs. my arms needed to be able to support about 225 lbs. Of course the “fun” part was when you reached the apex of the swing and could dive or jump into the water. We didn’t have any serious problems with the swing in 1961.

Mike Heston was our Life Guard at the time. As you can see from two of these pictures, He was not only skilled in using the swing, but also sought bigger thrills. Take note of the ladder on top of the platform. As we began to prepare for the 1962 camp season, Mike was hired to work a few weeks earlier to assist Pop Smith to get the buildings and grounds in shape. In his spare time, he also “played” on the rope swing. He added an extra rope and made it a trapeze.

Unbeknown to us, our lake also attracted kids from the neighboring farms and community. The caretaker had forbidden them to swim in the lake for safety reasons. This didn’t stop them because the swimming area was hidden from the caretaker’s house. On evening in May, one of the neighborhood boys tried out the swing and fell headfirst into the shallow part beneath the swing. The accident was fatal.

At an emergency meeting of the Camp Directors, it was decided that the rope swing was too dangerous and it was removed. So, the pictures you see here are all that remains of a “fun” idea that had tragic consequences.

Heston strikes out -- 1963

So many memories on the ballfield. Mike Heston at bat. Gil Schreiber is in the Camp shirt on left; to the right of Mike (kid by backstop) is Paul Sidwell; next right, kid leaning on bat, is "Heavy" McFarland.

Following is Mike Heston's recollection of this game :
From the stunned expression on my face and the delighted smirks on Paul Sidwell’s and Heavy McFarland’s faces, it would appear that I have just struck out in a student - faculty game. I remember that game. It was the first time since I was in Jr. Hi that the students had beaten the faculty. It was a sad day in Mudville--for Danny Williams and I to end our lustrous careers in disgrace. Fortunately, we both recovered and went on to greater things.

In the ball field picture, the blond guy next to Heavy McFarland is Carl Bell. He is the brother of Bonnie and Sandy Bell (both older). The last time I saw Carl was the 4th of July 1963. Danny Williams and I had just been ejected from the Fox Theater in St. Louis. As we came out, there was a long line forming for the next show and Carl was in the line. We spoke but explained nothing; although, it was evident from his expression that he suspected something of a nefarious nature. Gentlemen, as you know, never explain anything.


Jr. Girls 1963 meal time - another shot

Jr. Girls 1963 meal time

On right side of the left table, about halfway down in the plaid dress, is Kathy Holtzhauer. Stella Kinney in white blouse standing at end of table on the right.

1963 Cooks

1963 Campers at meal time

Mike and Paula Bush on the left. Charlotte Shroeder across the table from Paula. JW Jordan at far back table. Judy Ellsworth is sitting next to Charlotte Schroeder. 4th person down from JW (on his side of the table) looks like Janie Bea Johnson. Other names?

Camper awards 1963

Gil Schreiber is awarding campers. Can you name them? Getting the award is Wayne Black; background people are left to right:
1 Susan Burris; 2 Melissa Sefton; 6 Bob Kelly; 8 Robbie Schreiber;
9 Ronnie Schreiber; 10 J.W. Jordan; 11 Judy Feher; 13 Paul Sidwell;
15 Terry O'Dell; 16 Rick Coget. Any other people in the background?

Pee Wee Week Asembly 1966

Bob Fritz up front with Howard Thomure.

Tether Ball 1966 Pee Wee Week

You know, camp is the only place I remember playing this particular sport. Can anyone name the camper?

Chow line early 1960s

Starting with girl with glasses, she is a Steele twin, white dress is Linda Dildine (?), plaid dress is Joyce Mains, then Dolly Black.

Pre-high about 1966

Here is the pic -- we'll get to names later but please give us any you know. This is one of Wilson Wiseman's pics.
To give us a start on the names...
row1 -- 1 Jan Crane 5 Debbie Pickett, 12 Sally Armour 14 Candee Barton
row2 -- 6 Karen Vogan, 9 Beth Crane 12 Jackie Greenlee, 16 Lynne Gurley
row3 -- 12 Tom Plog, 13 Steve Underwood, 15 Steve Mueller, 18 Robbie Fritz
row4 -- 1 Larry Williams, 2 Bob Kelly 11 Dan Clymer 14 Tom Armour holding 2 yr. old Karen Armour 15 Doris Armour

Help us out with the rest of them!

Vespers 1966

Christian Athlete Week - 1966?

Dad had this marked as 1960. I don't think so -- back row of 2:1 Lyn Laughlin, 2:2 John Heston, 2:3 Pat Heston 2:5 Dan Clymer; Can anyone out there date for us? Name some other campers? This was taken by Wilson Wiseman. Frank says he has some more, plus some labeled as taken by Tom Ewald. I'm keeping an eye out, how about you?

Kay Wiseman said: Christian Athlete Week was probably 1964-65. 1:5 Marion Henderson; 1:6 Arnold Whitler; 1:8 Dan Dye 2:7 Tim Fry; 2:8 Roger Thomas. I was in school at LCC with Dan, Tim and Roger. Whitler and of course Henderson were professors.

Sandi Heston said: Based on how old my brothers (John and Pat Heston) look, it must have been 1966. John started his Freshman year of High School in Sept. of '66. I'd think he'd have been going into H.S. to attend that week.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Sunburst at the Lake, 1963

Frank Bush recalls, this Sunburst pic was one of those "happy" accidents. I happened to get up early (I think it was on Saturday, the day we broke camp). I was scheduled to help in the kitchen. The morning was foggy. I had my camera. As I approached the kitchen I saw this scene. It only lasted a few minutes. I managed to take several pictures of it. I could only guess at what aperture and speed to shoot it. It was a pretty scene . . . the picture doesn't do it justice.

Junior Girls class 1963

Marilyn Bush. I think that is Paula with an arm out to the pole on the left and Janet Gum next to her. (Guesses of course.)

Jack Busby 1963

Girl on right looks like Becky Huck. And...girl on left looks like she's holding her ears!! As I remember, Jack could get pretty loud!!

Campfire 1968

Seated: 1:1 Joy Whited 1:2 John Heston 1:3 Melissa Sefton 1:4 Francis Steele?
2:1 Jim Blankenship 2:3 Bridget Mullane, 2:4 Robin Rewerts 2:7 Priscilla Leitze, 2:8 Cindy Rasler,2:9 Mike Donaho?2:10 Cathy Opperman, 2:11 Mike Murrie 2:12 Gwen Heavner,
3:1 Greg Heavner, 3:2 Jan Foutch,3:4 Carolyn Stever, 3:5 Deb Fritz 3:6 Bruce Reeder 3:7 David Bush 3:8 Rick Walston 3:9 Debbie Seal?3:10 Mark Thomas 3:11 Charlotte Redmon, 3:12 Jim Jordan 3:16 Janet Thornburg
Row 4 (left side only) 4:1 Betty Conner 4:2 Mike Bush 4:4 Lynne Gurley 4:5 ? Lisa Hawkins ?4:6 Kevin Hayhurst 4:7 Holly Harden 4:8 Kathy Mueller 4:9 Evan Mac Lockwood
Row 5 (across back left to right) 5:2 Russell Boatman, 5:8
David Jackson. 5:9 Scott Cain 5:12 Rick Powell 5:13 Vickie Dothager 5:14 Jane Whited 5:16 Carla Underwood 5:18 Kathy Roodhouse 5:19 Paula Bush 5:20 Candee Barton

Some of Wilson Wiseman's photos - 1962

Janet Elam is looking on, sunglasses seated. Alice Schroeder in checks on the close side of the net and her sister Charlotte in checks on the other side. Boy in glasses is Larry Wiseley. Boy on right in white t-shirt is John Griffin

Cook on the right is Gladys Lamb.

This was a week of Music Camp in 1962. 1:8 Melissa Sefton. 2:1 Paul Sidwell; 2:2 Terry O'Dell; 2:3 Judy Ellsworth; 2:4 Janet Cothern 2:7 Mildred Hill Treat the back two rows as one. 3:4 Janie Bea Johnson; 3:6 Gayle Wakefield; 3:7 Janet Van Horn 3:9 Woody Fisher 3:11 Linda Gehrig, 3:14 Larry Cripe is the blond man on the left.
Wilson Wiseman, an elder at Greenville and father to Fred and Kay, was a photographer. At some point he gave the negatives for these photos to Frank Bush, probably to keep them with other camp photographs.

Campfire in color circa 1960

Charlie Greer is the speaker. Frank Bush says, "This was shot with Ecktachrome film, which yields a positive image. I shot this with an open bulb, electronic flash. I was disappointed in the outcome. I was hoping for a picture that would capture the spirit of a campfire service." I don't know -- I think it captures the spirit of a capfire service.

Life Recruit Week, early 1960s?

This picture is earlier, maybe 1962, than the popsicle picture. Middle girl is Sandy Schrumpf; plaid pants girl is Judy Ellsworth.

Estimated year: 1964. #2 could be Kay Wiseman, #3 Sandi Heston, #4 is Larry Hostetler, Melissa Sefton #6, #7 is Janet Durbin.

Now this one is a treasure, huh? The After-hours party was probably a week when Gil Schrieber was dean. Dan Williams and Mike Heston in the forground with Gil eating pizza between them. In the background we have Pop Smith, Stuart Couve, and to the far right JW Jordan. Boy in back with wildly patterned shirt is Larry Zumwalt and older man to his left is his dad, Dean Zumwalt. Young boy to right of Mike Heston is Gil's son, Robbie Schrieber
Next to Larry Zumwalt is Francis Grafford, Judy's mother. I think the woman in front of her is Cathy Opperman's mother, Rudy. Gilbert Schrieber was the minister at Wood River, and the Zumwalt's, Grafford's and Opperman's were all members at W.R.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Life Recruit Week, 1963 Rare color photos.

On the right in stripes is Diane Jackson

1:6 Barbara Haley, 1:7 Normae Dorsch, 1:8 Mickey Dildine, 1:9 Sue Harris, 1:12 Joyce Mains,1:23 Dolly Black 2:1 Cindy Hardin (?), 2:2 David Hargrave, 2:3 Kay Wiseman, 2:6 Ruth Blankenship, 2:7 Linda Stovall, 2:9 Sandy Revisky,The rest treated as one staggered row, ...3:3 Judy Feher, 3:5 Janet Cothern, 3:6 Sandi Heston, 3:7 Gayle Wakefield, 2:8 Terry O'Dell, 3:9 Larry Zumwalt,3:10 Susan Burris(?), 3:11 Woody Fisher, 3:14 Becky Huck, 3:17 Linda Harris behind her Lynn McFarland, 3:19 Ruth Huck, 3:20 George McCarty, 3:24 Steele twin, 3:25 Wayne Black, 3:26 Steele twin
Yellow shirt kid is Wayne Black. To his right and behind, the darkhaired kid in white whirt and black pants and loafers is Rick Coget.
l-r Ronnie Volkmar, Karla Knichel, Terri O'Dell, Cindy Hardin, ???
Luke Perrine teaching. Frony row, yellow shirt is Wayne Black, red sweatshirt on end of row is George McCarty. 3rd row boy with glasses is Dan Clymer. Boy and Girl on right of that row are Gayle Wakefield and Terry O'Dell.

Wayne Black in yellow, George McCarty in red on right end. Dan Clymer in center with glasses. Dark headed boy way in the back is Tim Callison.
It is possible these are shots of a Life Recruit Week. These came from colored negatives that have had some rough treatment. I guess I should be surprised that all these negatives have survived, not only the years, but three moves. - Frank Bush It isn't that color wasn't available, but Frank took most shots in black and white so they could be used in publicity materials, and so it was easier to develop in the basement darkroom at the parsonage in Greenville.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

1965 Pre High Week 2

Row1 1:1 Jeri Crane 1:2 Janet Crane 1:3 Beth Crane 1:8 Gwen Heavner, 1:9 Ralph Painter 1:11 Vickie Dothager 1:14 Charlotte Redmond
2:2 Joe Short 2:10 Craig Hicks 2:11 Rick Walston 2:14 Janet Murphy 2:15 Betty Connor 2:17 Scott Cain 2:19 Carla Sexton
3:13 Gwen Schmidt, 3:16 Steve Roodhouse 3:12 Jan Boyle 3:20 Joy Whited 3:21 ? Susan Wilhoit?
4:1 ? Norm Tony? 4: 1st girl to right of middle is Lora Conner then Marsha Dothager
5:1 Max Whited, 5:2 Pat Heston, 5:3 Danny Clymer, 5:4 Pop Smith, 5:5 Danny Williams, 5:10 Donna Ragel 5:12 Bill Barton 5:13 Greg Heavner
6:6 is Nadine Crane, 6:8 is Jerry Short, 6:18 (white headband) is Jane Whited

1965 Pre High Week 1

4:1 Tom Ewald 4:2 Dick Baynes, 4:3 Jim Taylor 4:4 Jack Albee 4:6 Dan Bowling 4:11 Deb Fritz 4:16 Paula Bush 4:20 Evan Mac Lockwood 3:3 Kay Wiseman 3:4 Janet Elam Ewald 3:5 Donna Ragel (spilts into 3a and 3b) 3:10a Greg Heavner 3:11a Bill Barton 3:12a Bruce Nolin 3:13a Rick Walston 3:15a John Beck 3:20a Dan Clymer 3:10b Carolyn Stever 3:17b Kevin Hayhurst 3:22a Rick Imel (next to Scott Cain) 3:23b Scott Cain 3:24b Mike Bush 2:7 Janet Gum 2:9 Kathy Mueller 2:12 Marilyn Carter 2:15 Linda Thomas 2:18 Linda Hill 2:19 Susan Hentz 1:5 Debbie May 1:8 Judy Grafford (next to Charlotte Redmon) 1:9 Charlotte Redmon 1:10 Margaret Iberg1:14 Ralpha Painter 1:19 Paula Van Meter 1:24 David Jackson

Music -- 1967 High School Week

#2 Marilyn Carter, Jane Whited at the keyboard, then Joyce Elam, Betty Connor, and Carla Underwood on the right.

1967 Junior Girls Group Picture

Don't know many of these. Help! 2:1 Carolyn Stever 2:2 Marilyn Carter 2:3 Janet Crane 2:11 Carol Gurley 2:12 Christy McCune 2:13 Debby Werden 2:14 Terri Werden 2:15 ??? 2:17 Lori Tumbleson 3:2 Joy Whited 3:22 Delmyra Carter 4:8 Jeri Crane (don't count girl standing up in 3rd row)5:1 Beth Crane 5:3 Janet Elam 5:10 Nadine Crane 5:11 Max Whited 5:12 Pop Smith 5:13 Danny Clymer 5:14 Joyce Elam. Back row to the right of little girl with pigtails is Joann (Underwood) Stroebel and next is Shirley (Thompson) Bohle.

1967 Junior Girls Week - Class

Is that a Stark, front row #3? Karen File on the end at #8? or is it Debbie Werden Back row #2 is Kay Richison. Row 1:4 could be Jeanne Stone, Wood River

Flag raising, 1967 High School Week

Howard Thomure is speaking. How many campers can you name?
Gwen heavner said...

I see...................
Kevin Hayhurst
Pat Heston
Mike Murrie
Holly Harden
Deb Fritz
Howard Thomure :)

Air Shots, pre- and post- Lake

You might be interested in these two air shots. The 1st one was taken in the fall before the lake was build. Notice that the Tabernacle is up. The second was taken in 64 or 65 and you can see the lake.