Thursday, March 8, 2007

Some of Wilson Wiseman's photos - 1962

Janet Elam is looking on, sunglasses seated. Alice Schroeder in checks on the close side of the net and her sister Charlotte in checks on the other side. Boy in glasses is Larry Wiseley. Boy on right in white t-shirt is John Griffin

Cook on the right is Gladys Lamb.

This was a week of Music Camp in 1962. 1:8 Melissa Sefton. 2:1 Paul Sidwell; 2:2 Terry O'Dell; 2:3 Judy Ellsworth; 2:4 Janet Cothern 2:7 Mildred Hill Treat the back two rows as one. 3:4 Janie Bea Johnson; 3:6 Gayle Wakefield; 3:7 Janet Van Horn 3:9 Woody Fisher 3:11 Linda Gehrig, 3:14 Larry Cripe is the blond man on the left.
Wilson Wiseman, an elder at Greenville and father to Fred and Kay, was a photographer. At some point he gave the negatives for these photos to Frank Bush, probably to keep them with other camp photographs.


Anonymous said...

Volleyball photo:
Boy in glasses is Larry Wiseley
Boy on right in white t-shirt is John Griffin

Big group photo:
2:1 Paul Sidwell; 2:2 Terry O'Dell; 2:3 Judy Ellsworth; 2:4 Janet Cothern

3:4 Janie Bea Johnson; 3:6 Gayle Wakefield; 3:7 Janet Van Horn;3:9 Woody Fisher

Anonymous said...

I think the girl with glasses, wearing a white dress(standing behind Janet Ewald in the volleyball picture) is Charlene Hazlett from Brownstown.