Sunday, March 25, 2007

1961 sports and spectators

These are Tom Ewald's pictures. Middle left, is that Dick Applegate on the left? Then standing Mike Heston and Jay Young in the back with Alice Schroeder seated between them, and Janet Elam on the far right. Guy in sunglasses to left of Mike Heston looks very much like Joe Webb. In the other spectator picture Janet Ewald is sitting on ground. The girl standing talking to Janet is Charlene Hazlett. The girl looking at camera with sunglasses is Janet Van Horn. These girls were from Brownstown where Tom and Janet pastored. Tether ball game looks like John Griffin and Judy Ellsworth.


Anonymous said...

Janet Ewald is sitting on ground in picture with other girls and little boy

Guy in sunglasses to left of Mike Heston looks very much like Joe Webb. I remember him being at camp.

Tether ball game looks like John Griffin and Judy Ellsworth

Anonymous said...

In the spectator picture with Janet Ewald...The girl standing talking to Janet looks like Charlene Hazlett. The girl looking at camera with sunglasses on looks like Janet Van Horn. These girls were from Brownstown where Tom and Janet pastored.