Tuesday, April 17, 2007


This photo was taken from an album which had belonged to Gene and Leosha Schmidt (grandparents of Deb and Rob Fritz) of Belleville. The photo is of Pop Smith and Gene Schmidt showing off the the best catch of the day. In those days the camp did not hire a season long head cook but each dean was responsible for recruiting a cook for his week. Leosha filled this position once or twice a summer. When possible Gene would come along and fill in his spare time dipping his fishing pole into Bond Camp lake, searching for a prize catch. It seems he was lucky on this occasion.
Currently the camp lake rarely offers this sort of a catch as the lake has been overfished by the residents of nearby Royal Lake.
Do you have a good fishing tale from our lake? Did you catch a whopper? Was your stringer so heavy that it took two grown men to carry it? ..... Share with us!
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember on my fifth birthday ((which was actually my gold birthday being that my birthday is july 5)) I ccaught 5 fish at bond camp when I was camping with ym mom, dad, and brother (5,5,5) I never forgot and I am nto sure if I have caught I fish there since then :)!!!