Friday, February 1, 2008

1967 Jr. High Week

4:1 Larry Williams 4:2 Bob Kelly 4:3 Dick Baynes (dean) 4:4 & 5 Daughter and Son 4:6 Alice Baynes 4:7 Carleen Pickett (from Pana and Aunt to Melissa Sefton) 4:8 Marvin Schrum (Preached at Tower Hill) 4:9 Mrs. Schrum 4:12 Danny Clymer 4:16 Tom Arnold 4:17 Mrs. Arnold.  I’m sure you recognize Candee Barton bottom row on the right.3: 13 Steve Underwood 3:15 Steve Mueller 3:18 Robbbie Fritz 2:12 Jackie Greenlee 2:16 Lynne Gurley (who can probably name almost everyone in the photo!) 1:1 Carla Pickett    
More names from Lynne Gurley --2:6 Karen Vogan; 2:9 Beth Crane; 3:9 Don Tedrick, 3:12 Tom Plog; 3:15 Steve Mueller

1 comment:

Lynne said...

2:6 Karen Vogan; 2:9 Beth Crane; 3:9 Don Tedrick, 3:12 Tom Plog; 3:15 Steve Mueller